Calling all energy sector disruptors

EnergyLab's Scaleup Program is designed to help the most innovative startups and energy companies work together to roll out technology that will help decarbonise the energy sector. During this virtual program, founders will be provided with the connections and exposure they need to unlock their next wave of growth.

Key dates for 2024

  • Applications Open: 1 December 2023 - 29 February 2024
  • Selection Process: 1 March - 30 April 2024
  • Partnership Module, Investment Module & Showcase - Exact Dates to be Confirmed: 24 June - 18 October 2024


A selection of program alumni. For a complete list refer to the Alumni page

Program benefits

Introductions to industry decision-makers

You'll meet some of Australia and New Zealand's most innovative energy companies.

Exposure to active energy sector investors

You will receive feedback from investors with the most expertise in scaling up clean energy startups.

Peer-to-peer learning

The program attracts the most talented clean energy entrepreneurs in the world and we'll help you learn from each other.

Mentorship from energy sector entrepreneurs

You'll get to spend time with the founders of Australia's most successful energy startups.

Extensive public exposure

We'll run a showcase event and use our social media channels to give you a platform to promote your business.

Expand to the Australian and New Zealand

If you're an overseas startup, we will help you develop Australian and New Zealand knowledge and networks.

Access to EnergyLab's mentor network

You will be able to request introductions to EnergyLab's extensive mentor network.

A dedicated support team

You will touch base with EnergyLab regularly to discuss how we can further support you.

Ongoing assistance

Upon graduation, you will join our alumni network of the most successful and impactful clean energy founders.

Work with the region's most innovative energy companies

2024 Scaleup Program Partners & Industry Participants

Meet Australia's most active energy investors

Alan Cui

Partner, Boson Ventures

Alex de Aboitiz

Clean Tech Investor

Dan Winter

Investment Director, Full Circle Venture Capital and Black Sheep Capital

Jeremy Kwong-Law

CEO & CIO, Grok Ventures

Mark Bonnar

Managing Director, Southern Cross Venture Partners

Ulric Ferner

Principal, Right Click Capital

Program structure

EnergyLab's Scaleup Program is structured over three two-week modules. Currently scheduled to run between May and September in 2024, the final timeline will be confirmed during the selection process.

Partnerships Module

June 2024

You'll start the program by getting to know the other participants, spending time with energy companies and discussing strategies for building successful partnerships.

Investor Module

August 2024

In the Investor Module, you will have the chance to pitch to active energy sector investors and receive feedback on your presentation and plans. You may also have follow up meetings with select investors for more detailed discussions.

Graduation Module

September 2024

To cap off the program, we'll arrange a public showcase event to give you further exposure to energy companies, investors and the broader EnergyLab community.

Participate for free

EnergyLab's Scaleup Program is completely free to join - we won't charge a cent or take any equity in your business.

Hear from some of our alumni

EnergyLab's Scaleup Program is incredibly beneficial to founders who are transitioning from the startup phase and looking to increase exposure and develop networks and customers in the energy sector. The opportunity to pitch and engage directly with partnered utility decision-makers resulted in a number of new strategic opportunities for Infravision, which has accelerated the adoption of our technology.

The EnergyLab Scaleup Program is uniquely helpful due to the collective wisdom on the scale-up challenges ‘beyond start-up’ – market expansion, deep customer relationships and scalable sales processes.

EnergyLab's Scaleup Program was a great place to meet like minded founders and connect with the industry to discuss strategic opportunities and the evolution of the energy system.

The EnergyLab Scaleup Program was great. Pairing off with end users to talk about piloting, meeting a large pool of potential investors, and lots of opportunities for peer to peer learning were all blended in a way that provided good value to time-poor founders.

EnergyLab's network of companies, mentors and staff is the best way to learn more about the Australian energy market while expanding your business!

For V-Labs, EnergyLab’s Scaleup Program was a great and efficient way to get a first foothold in the Australian energy market. Thanks to the program, we managed to land a great customer, which has allowed us to expand our activities in this fantastic country further!

We found the agenda to be extremely well designed, structured & executed. The entire EnergyLab team has a keen appreciation for what is required to bridge the commercial engagement gap between start-ups and energy utilities. This ensured the program was pragmatic & focused on enabling the greatest likelihood of tangible opportunities to result. It was also fantastic getting to know other global companies navigating similar trajectories and customer engagement.

Selection process

The selection process is scheduled to run from February to April.

Online application

Due end of February 2024

The first step in the application process is to complete an online application form. Submit an expression of interest and we'll let you know when applications open for the next intake.


March 2024

The best applicants will be invited to attend an interview with the EnergyLab team during which we will clarify parts of your application and discuss your suitability for the program.

Partner meetings

April 2024

A portion of the interviewed applicants will be invited to meet partners that are interested in exploring the fit between their needs and your technology. The startups with the best fit will be offered a spot in the program.

What we're looking for

Startups with strong leadership, relevant technology, existing pilot or paid customers and potential for scale.


Strong leadership - Your CEO is committed to participating in the program. Your team will take full advantage of the program and treat everyone respectfully.

Relevant technology - You're commercialising technology that is relevant to our partners and has been proven with at least one happy, paying customer.

Potential for scale - You have a proven business model that will enable your startup to grow rapidly and are targeting a large market that needs your solution.

The 2024 intake of EnergyLab's Scaleup Program is now closed. The 2025 program will run from June to September 2025. Applications will open for the 2025 intake at the end of 2024, you can submit an expression of interest here.

Possibly! EnergyLab's Scaleup Program is focused on the technology that will help our energy company partners solve their challenges. If you're unsure if you're a good fit for this program, please complete an expression of interest form and we'll tell you for sure.

Yes, as the program will be delivered 100% online, you can participate in the program from anywhere in the world. However, you will need to regularly attend virtual meetings and events, which will likely be held around 3pm to 6pm Sydney time.

Make sure you're committed to being able to operate effectively in the Australian and New Zealand time zones for the duration of the program.

No. Your business can be registered anywhere in the world. If you're not an Australian or New Zealand company, our only requirement is that you're serious about exploring the Australian or New Zealand markets.

No, the program is free; we don't charge cash or equity for participation. Our partners cover the cost of the program so that you can participate.

No, but we'll introduce you to Australia's most active energy sector and climate tech investors.

No, the program is virtual, but we have offices in Sydney should you want to use them and we'll organise in-person events in cities where there are enough participants.

Only one, as long as that person is the CEO. In addition to the CEO, you're welcome also to invite other team members to participate in the program sessions.

Program sessions will require the CEO to be present. Other team members can also join the CEO.

The structured program sessions run over three two-week modules: the Partnerships Module, Investor Module and Graduation Module. During these modules, we will aim to run one session at the same time each day so you can balance the program with your other commitments.

To get the most out of the program, we encourage participants to devote time to conversations with EnergyLab's partners, mentors, alumni and investors.

The 2024 Scaleup Program cohort will be made up of 8 to 15 companies.

We respect that you have limited time and need to prioritise. That's why we have an expression of interest form that only takes a few minutes to fill out. We will use your answers to determine whether our Scaleup Program can help you achieve your goals.

Please email [email protected] if you have any other questions.